Free to Play
F2P players (players who don't own any NFTs) can also play to earn inside our game. F2P players will be given a default base character that they can battle with, winning matches will allow them to win Silver Keys.
These Silver Keys could be sold directly on the marketplace as independent NFTs for $ETH or you could keep them and open loot boxes with $RUMBLECOIN which gives you loot that could potentially be worth more than the keys themselves.
To earn more from the game there are a few options:
You could purchase a Royal Rumble Fighter which generates between 5-15 $RUMBLECOINs per day and allow you to win Gold Keys as well as participate in the tournaments
You could purchase a 2nd Generation Rocket Rumble Fighter which allows you to win Gold Keys and participate in the tournaments
You could purchase a weapon from the Genesis Gear Collection which allows you to win Gold Keys regardless of which avatar you play with
Last updated